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After learning your health history, we create a specific treatment plan that is right for your needs. This plan may include several different approaches that will work together to help get you on the road to recovery. Below is a list of many of our techniques, and a brief description. For more information, please do not hesitate to stop by or call us.


    Gentle adjustments of the spine are the foundation of chiropractic care. Through gentle and skilled maneuvers, we here at Alpine Chiropractic provide the right adjustment to help reduce your pain and improve your health.

Your spine is made up of vertebrae, small bones that are stacked to form the spinal column.  Between each vertebra there are intervertebral discs that cushion and absorb shock and joints that allow your spine to bend and move.     

Running through the vertebra is the spinal cord, a bundle of nerves that extends from your brain through the spine. This bundle allows your brain to communicate with every area of your body. Clearly a healthy spine is important!

    You need a spinal adjustment when your joints and the surrounding tissues become damaged or restricted in movement. Dr. Greg will provide you with gentle adjustments that will restore mobility to these joints and allow tissues to heal. Know what to expect prior to your appointment so you have a successful and stress free visit.

For your first visit we will do a physical examination to determine the location and severity of your pain and perform a series of adjustments, and determine if you need to schedule additional appointments. During your visit you will typically be lying face down on a table, and Dr. Greg will use gentle thrusts that direct force at a specific section of your spinal column. The delivery and localization of the pressure is more important than the power behind it so most adjustments are designed to use a minimal amount of force.

    Adjustments are typically painless, but it isn’t uncommon to hear popping or “cracking” noises. Some people associate these sounds with a successful adjustment, but they will most likely lessen during your treatment as the vertebrae begin to remain in their correct place.

    Following your adjustment, you may experience some muscle soreness, fatigue or headache. These are normal, like side effects experienced after a good workout, and will lessen over time.

Gentle Adjustments
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Massage Therapy

    Alpine chiropractic uses massage therapy to enhance your recovery experience. A massage is manipulation of soft tissues on your body (muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.) and can be very beneficial by itself and when combined with your chiropractic care.

    There are a multitude of massage techniques, and their benefits will vary from patient to patient. For example, a relaxation massage is what you would receive at a spa or retreat and is generally going to cover the whole body but not focus on any one area. Massage therapy is going to focus more on the specific area experiencing problems and involves a variety of different procedures.

    Our therapists are trained and experienced to perform both lighter Swedish massage, and deep therapeutic massage for breaking up scar tissue formation. Your therapist will discuss your condition and medical history, ask about sore areas or tenderness that you are experiencing, and determine the course of action that will best serve you.

    Massage uses touch and movement to lessen joint and muscle pain and increase mobility. For your visit you will be lying on a massage table with the problem area exposed. The therapist may use lotion or massage oils to lessen friction on the skin and will try to create a relaxing environment for you. This is because relaxed muscles are easier to manipulate and therefore your massage will have better results. Massage therapy is usually quite comfortable and often enjoyable for the patient, but make sure to discuss problem areas in advance to minimize pain and lessen any discomfort.

    Following a massage, you may experience some muscle soreness or fatigue. This will usually be short-lived and is due to the stimulation of the muscles and activity of the joints during the massage. Always communicate to your therapist if you are uncomfortable during or after your session so they can better tailor the treatment to fit your body.

Massage Therapy

Palmer Method

    Dr. Greg  & Dr. Harper are both graduates of the Palmer method and will use it, amongst other techniques, to serve your needs. The Palmer method is a series of adjustments to the topmost vertebra of your neck: the atlas. Your skull rests on the atlas, and the joint between the atlas and the axis (the second vertebra) is what gives the neck such a wide range of motion.

    This method applies low to high force thrusts to correct issues with the atlas. Once you are comfortable and relaxed, a quick thrust is delivered to the area and then withdrawn immediately, allowing your neck to naturally recoil from the contact. This swift and precise force on the atlas permits it to readjust and move back into alignment.

    In addition to treating neck and back problems, treatment of the upper spine is thought to have benefits throughout the body due to the crucial blood flow, nerve function, and muscle attachment within the neck. Since accuracy and speed are more important than force, this adjustment will usually involve little to no pain. However, this is dependent on your relaxation level. The adjustment will be less effective if you are tense so be sure to learn what to expect and communicate with your doctor during your session. We want to ensure that you are comfortable and receive excellent care.

Palmer Method

Leander Flexion Distraction

    During your sessions at Alpine Chiropractic, we may utilize a Leander table for a special technique called Leander flexion distraction. Flexion distraction combines elements of osteopathic and chiropractic medicine to use traction and stretching procedures to treat muscle and spinal pain, and a Leander table is the specialized table that is used. This gentle approach lengthens soft tissues, decompresses connective tissues, and increases your range of motion. It is often used to treat lower back pain and strengthens muscles, spinal discs, ligaments, and tendons.

    This therapy has proven to be very beneficial for lower back pain, and also strengthens muscles, spinal discs, ligaments, and tendons. One common use is for treating herniated discs. A disc is the cushion found between each vertebrae in your spine. This disc contains an inner gel-like substance and a fibrous outer ring. When the outer part of the disc wears down the inner portion can then leak out and irritate nerves in the spinal cord, causing pain throughout your back and body.

    Flexion distraction with the Leander table is very efficient because the individual sections can be adjusted to counter the effects of gravity while your chiropractor applies pressure to problem areas. These sections also help separate and decompress the spine, allowing your joints to return to their correct positions. Repeated pressure and movement helps your body stretch and perform a normal range of motion.

    As with our other options, you will want to discuss what to expect and any concerns you may have the doctor. However, one of the many benefits of flexion distraction is there is little to no pain due to the specialized parts of the table and the slow, repetitive movements.

Leander Flexion Distraction

Trigger Point Therapy

    Alpine Chiropractic offers trigger point therapy, which is a type of massage therapy that focuses on myofascial trigger points in your body. “Myofascial” is the muscle and the connective tissue surrounding it, and a trigger point is a tight, contracted knot in that tissue. These points are extremely sensitive and can cause discomfort and soreness all over your body.

    This type of pain is called “referred pain.” What this means is the knot within your muscle is causing pain in another part of your body. For example, a trigger point in your shoulder could radiate soreness up through your neck and be giving you headaches. These points can cause distress throughout your body and are often the hidden cause of headaches, back ache, hip pain, and pain throughout arms, hands, feet, and legs.

    Trigger points can be formed in a great number of ways including a direct injury (such as a fall or sports injury), heavy lifting, repetitive movements, muscle tension due to stress, poor posture or even from prolonged bed rest! Because of their varied causes and symptoms, trigger points and their referred pain are difficult to identify and often misdiagnosed.

    Many physicians will attend to the area experiencing referred pain, which gives only temporary relief and leaves the source untreated, but here at Alpine Chiropractic we will treat both the trigger points and the problems they cause through massage therapy. Our therapists gently massage and loosen these points to give you long term relief throughout your body.

Cross Friction Massage

    Among our many techniques, we offer cross friction massage. This therapy is designed to lengthen and broaden connective fibers, prevent scar tissue, and stimulate blood flow to the area.

Cross friction massage differs from a standard massage in several important ways. This is a deep tissue massage that focuses on a very specific area. Other massages are going to manipulate the entire muscle but when your therapist uses cross friction in your massage they will spend some time palpitating the damaged area to locate the specific part of the muscle, tendon, or ligament. They will then do a deep massage of the precise structure that requires treatment.

    Another important difference is the therapist will massage across the tissue rather than along it. Typical massages have the therapist moving along the muscle to stimulate blood flow and fluid distribution but cross friction moves in the opposite direction in order to realign and stretch the affected area. This transverse friction promotes natural movement and doesn’t strain or tear the tissue.

    Finally because it is a deep massage it will typically be shorter and more intense than other therapies. You may experience more tenderness in the affected area due to the high levels of friction from the massage. Make sure you are communicating with your therapist so they know when you are nervous or in pain. We only want the best for our patients and will always strive to make you relaxed and comfortable!

Trigger Point Therapy
Cross Friction Massage

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

    Alpine Chiropractic offers proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, which sounds complicated but it’s actually a fairly simple idea once it’s been broken down. Proprioception is the awareness of one’s own body through internal stimuli. The human body does this with nerves throughout the body and canals within the inner ear. Neuromuscular simply means nerves and muscles. In physiology, facilitation is defined as stimulating a response by increasing the intensity or ease over each repetition.

    So simply put, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching, or PNF stretching, is a set of techniques that increase muscle and nerve response to improve the movement, strength, and flexibility of the body.

When using this method, the patient is positioned so that the muscles being worked on are stretched and tense. Then, while the area is extended, the patient contracts the muscles as Dr. Greg prevents any muscle movement. This contraction of the muscle strengthens the muscle group and increases its range of motion. The amount of contraction of the muscle will vary depending on the results needed to restore full function to that muscle group.

PNF stretching is a fairly gentle exercise that should not be painful for the patient.  Be sure to communicate any pain or discomfort that occurs during or after the session.

Gym Ball Rehabilitation

    Here at Alpine Chiropractic, we offer gym ball rehabilitation, a set of techniques through the use of a gym ball (also known as a fitness ball or yoga ball). These techniques focus on gentle exercises that can help strengthen areas that have become weakened by lack of use or injury.

    An injury can cause other muscles in the same region to compensate for the injured part. Gym ball rehabilitation focuses on the recovering area to restore proper movement patterns, and works to relieve the extra stress on the muscles and joints around it. Gym balls come in a variety of sizes and are widely used in yoga, pilates, and various other exercises because they offer versatility in how they can be used.

    Through the use of gym ball exercises, patients gently work on focused areas to increase flexibility, strengthen muscles, increase range of motion, and increase the mobility of joints. Special care and attention is given to making sure patients are performing these exercises properly, gently, and at a pace that is appropriate for the injury and the progress of the individual.

    Dr. Greg works with patients using this technique as an incorporated part of the patient’s recovery plan, and strives to offer patients the best exercises and techniques to implement into their lives for the most efficient rehabilitation.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
Gym Ball Rehab

Rubber Tubing

    Rubber tubing rehabilitation focuses on resistance exercises using a long rubber tube. These tubes work similarly to an elastic band. The tubes are stretchy and when used they create a certain amount of resistance against the muscles and joints in use. The resistance creates a consistent and smooth stretch, which is crucial in rehabilitating muscles and joints.

    These exercises are most commonly used for shoulder work but can be used for other areas as well. Dr. Greg and our team of health professionals work closely with patients to come up with a rehabilitation plan that is appropriate for the injury. The rubber tubing rehabilitation exercises are never the singular solution in a recovery plan, but instead are paired with other techniques and exercises.

    Over time resistance exercises have become a popular and vital part of muscle and joint rehabilitation. These exercises are an important tool for restoring muscle and joint functions. Resistance techniques also work to improve conditioning, balance, and building strength, all of which are important in rehabilitation.

    Alpine Chiropractic always ensures that patients are getting the best and most appropriate rehabilitation plan possible. Our professionals work together with patients in guiding and developing a safe, effective recovery program that both parties are comfortable with.

Ruber Tubing

Custom Orthotics

    We offer custom orthotics by use of cutting edge laser technology that scans your feet for the perfect fit. Custom orthotics are especially useful for foot related issues such as tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and diabetic foot ailments. They can also help correctly align feet, improve foot function, and ease ankle, foot, and heel pain.

    Custom orthotics are crafted for your exact feet and not anyone else’s. Our laser technology allows us to create orthotics that match the unique contours of your feet and are designed for the way you move.

Patients at Alpine Chiropractic with foot and ankle related ailments will be evaluated and given the option to take advantage of having custom orthotics made for them. The process is simple and pain free. Our orthotics are made of high quality materials that are meant to support your feet and last for several years.

    Dr. Greg and the other healthcare professionals at Alpine Chiropractic always strive to make sure patients are getting a custom recovery plan that is efficient and appropriate for the injury or issue. If we think custom orthotics will add significant improvement to a patient’s recovery, we will suggest it. We also encourage patients to communicate interest to us in custom orthotics or any other method of recovery if they feel it would benefit them.

Custom Orthotics
Kinesio Taping

Kinesio Taping

    Kinesio taping has become an increasingly popular therapy that uses a special kind of tape to be wrapped around muscles to help give support and assure that the muscles are contracting properly. This technique is often paired with other therapies to get the most out of the rehabilitation. At Alpine Chiropractic, we work with our patients to ensure they are getting the right combination of therapies for their specific injury and overall health.

This taping technique gives muscles support and helps facilitate proper movement patterns during the patient’s session and after. The tape is not restrictive or uncomfortable, and Dr. Greg always makes sure his patients are comfortable.

    Other than giving muscles support, the tape assists the movement of muscles in a way that helps prevent muscles from contracting too much and becoming over-used. For any rehabilitation process, this is very important because over-contracting or over-using muscles too soon can lead to injury and a delayed recovery. Circulation and muscle tissue function around the muscles are also improved by the tape.

    Dr. Greg and the rest of the team here at Alpine Chiropractic, strive to provide patients with the most appropriate exercises and techniques for an efficient but gentle rehabilitation. When deciding what techniques will be used in a patient’s recovery plan, we will assess not only the injury but overall health, health history, and health goals of the patient.

Mechanical Traction

    Alpine Chiropractic offers mechanical traction, a technique that stretches the spine and relieves pressure that has built up. This popular method relieves a variety of back, disc, and nerve related ailments. The “mechanical” part may sound odd, but it is actually a technique that most patients enjoy because the relieving of the pressure in the spine feels good. During this technique, patients relax on a custom table while Dr. Greg uses a variety of supporting devices to gently stretch the spine, and relieve spinal pressure. In addition to providing consistent relief to the patient, this technique is beneficial because it helps correct spinal and back issues without having to undergo intrusive surgery.

    Mechanical traction may not be suitable for everyone, which is why our team of healthcare professionals here at Alpine Chiropractic take into account a patient’s overall health before prescribing any technique. After a thorough assessment of a patient’s health and injury, we create a custom plan tailored to each individual. This technique combined with other services and techniques we offer can greatly improve not only the patient’s rehabilitation but their overall feeling about their health. Dr. Greg and the rest of his team strive to make each patient feel good, progress towards a healthier lifestyle, and heal efficiently.

Mechanical Traction

Ergonomic Assessment

    At Alpine Chiropractic, we care about helping our patient’s have a healthier lifestyle outside of the rehabilitation sessions done here at our office, which is why we offer ergonomic assessment. Popular with injured workers returning to work, ergonomic assessment will determine how to best set up your work station so that you maximize your rehabilitation and avoid further injury. We strive to make sure our patient’s have healthy habits, and environments that support their recovery, which includes work environments.

    During this assessment we evaluate a patient’s work station, or other station where a lot of time is spent. We then work with each individual to create a space that is ergonomic and supportive. Creating an ergonomic space is so popular and beneficial that people without injuries or any physical issues at all are also investing in it because doing so helps prevent future health problems.

    Dr. Greg and his team of professionals know that this assessment can prove to be vital in a patient’s recovery plan. The wrong set up can hurt the recovery work that has been done and create future health problems. The correct set up will provide a patient with a healthier and more positive way to work.

Ergonomic Assessment

Nutritional Counseling

    Along with our other services, Alpine Chiropractic offers nutritional counseling to all patients. Our professionals know that maintaining a proper diet plays a big role in keeping a patient healthy and happy, which is our main goal.

Since we take a patient’s whole health into account, we will assess a person’s health history, current condition, recovery plan, and any special dietary restrictions or preferences. Looking at the whole of a person helps us create a better nutritional plan that will be truly beneficial.

    We are prepared to help every single patient live a healthier life, and to create a nutritional plan that best suits each patient and their needs. As with creating a recovery plan, Dr. Greg and everyone else at Alpine Chiropractic work together to create a custom plan specifically tailored to each individual patient. After creating a custom nutritional plan, we offer ongoing support with that plan, answering questions, and working together to resolve any obstacles, changes, or issues that may come up.

    Here at Alpine Chiropractic, we strive to be present for our patients and offer support in multiple aspects of living a healthier life. We want our patients to heal and be healthy not only during the recovery process, but afterwards as well.

Alongside the nutritional counseling offered internally at Alpine Chiropractic Center, Dr. Greg endorses the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Program through Snoqualmie Valley Weight Loss Center (SVWLC) also located in North Bend, WA.  Dr. Greg works closely with Teri Clark, Owner and Chief Weight Loss Coach.  He serves as the collaborating physician in medical screening for program participation and in the management of weight loss monitoring and medications usage of SVWLC’s clients. If you are interested in obtaining more information or pursing nutritional counseling through the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Program, Dr. Greg would be happy to assist you.

Nutritional Counseling
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